Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Surprise, Surprise

So last night, Huck returned the favor and cooked dinner for me.

From scratch.

It was Chicken Fajita Salad and it was awesome!

A girl could get used to this.

Monday, June 22, 2015

JB Approved!

Huck came to my house for the first time last night. 

I was nervous because I feel like the house is never clean enough. I warned him several times as he drove over that the house was a wreck and I do not have the Neat Freak Ninja Cleaning Skills that he possesses.

"I just want to meet this cat I keep hearing about"  In that he meant JB.  When I am on the phone J thinks that I am talking to him and "answers" me in a series of weak mews. Sometimes he will get right in my face, like he is trying to talk too.

"I doubt you will ever see him. He is really skittish. He hid from my mom when I went to North Carolina and he hid from Cyn the whole time I was in Florida.  Really, he doesn't do new people well at all"

When Huck gets to the house,  JB slinks along the wall to make his usual dive for the "The Chair" the moment he walks in the door.  "See, I told you"  that's as much as you will ever see of him"

Huck calls to him and JB sits up to see who is calling his name. I could not believe it. Slowly, and with little hesitation,  he creeps back to us. Amazing! Huck crouches and offers his hand for inspection. J stretches his neck out to smell the tips of his fingers, front paw poised in midair. Then he relaxed, presenting the top of his head to be petted. I could not believe my eyes!

J runs from the kids when they visit and he grew up with them! And here he was letting a stranger touch him!

He purred loudly as Huck stroked his back several times. Then what actually happened next was nothing short of miraculous.  J turned in a little circle then flopped over, presenting his vulnerable belly to be petted as well.

Huck grinned and looked over at me, all the while stroking the soft white fur of J's belly.

"I think I'm approved" he chuckled.

Really......You have no idea.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Too Busy To Write

Sorry. I have been too busy to write, but I will catch up soon. I have to write about my trip to North Carolina for the Divine Miss M's wedding and the family trip to Florida.

Tonite I made creole stew for Huck. He LOVED it! He ate three bowls!!

I promise I will write more soon


Friday, June 12, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday Little Brother

Yesterday was my little brother's birthday.
He turned 44.

This picture is from 40 years ago.

Happy Belated Birthday Partner!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How Sweet.....

Huck is so sweet I just can't stand it.

He told me yesterday that he had missed me while I was gone. HE MISSED ME!

Not because he had no gas money while I was away, or because he needed me to buy something, or bail him out of something, or for me to pay for something.

He also said that he was looking forward to seeing me tonight.  He had said that, while I could pick where ever I wanted to go, he didn't care if it was just a burger joint, as long as he could see me.

Really, I have never been treated so good by anyone, besides LG.

Yeah, you will be hearing about this one again.