Monday, April 21, 2014

Back to the Rat Race

With his big work project looming in the very near future, Saturday evening with L/G was a quiet night watching movies.

And just who would be a perfect match for a woman who doesn't like to cook?


The fritatta that morning had been a pleasant surprise but I didn't really question it. I mean what bachelor doesn't know how to make ONE fancy dish, right?

But dinner was a diffrent story. He made stir-fried rice and shrimp with sauteed asparagus. 

He had all the right pans, including a WOK! He had all the right utensils.

He even had ghee, that he had made himself.

He wouldn't let me do anything. I watched from the doorway, amazed.

Add a little white wine, and dinner was served.

Sunday morning came quickly.  L/G made me  bacon and eggs with grits and fresh fruit drizzled in honey.  We discussed the benefits of ice cold chocolate milk.

I packed for home; he packed for his trip. 
We discussed what happens next.

I had not planned to leave until 3:00pm, but a text from Julz sped things up: "Where Are You?!"

I texted back", you KNOW where I am..."

Smart Retort: "Don't be smart. We are broke down on the interstate"


"Leaving now. Keep me informed"

I rushed my goodbye. He told me to call him when I made it home.

I was almost two hours away from where Julz and Twin G, wife, and baby, were stranded on the interstate just outside of Meridian MS. I would have to drive right by them.

As I drove toward them, I thought about how in just two days, L/G had treated me better than I had been treated in the last two years (maybe more) of my marriage. A man that had promised before God to share my life and love, raise a family together, yet took me for granted, and in the end. just threw me away like I was nothing.  L/G, on the other hand. barely knew me, yet, he opened his home to me, cooked for me, thought of things that would entertain me, and expected nothing in return. A true gentleman, in every sense of the word.

I made it into Meridian about the same time that the text came that my former in-laws had arrived on the scene, as did the tow-truck and Julz and the Twin G family were safe.  I offered to venture off the interstate to retrieve her and bring her home, but she declined.  Her new beau was already en route.

So I was free to go back to the rat race.

As I drove back into town, I drove with a new found peace.  L/G had done his best to make sure my visit was drama free.  He was decisive, analytical and logical. Everything had been planned out and executed to a tee.I didn't have to lift a finger. A truly relaxing weekend.

 As I came in, the cats were happy to see me. They fought for a spot in my lap. I called L/G, who was glad that I made it home safe and made it in really good time.  So nice to have someone who cares. We discussed his upcoming visit and all the logistics. 

Something to look forward to - I can hardly wait!

Until then...

~En-JOY reading!

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