Friday, April 19, 2019

A Set Back

I have a staph infection.  On my face. It is directly above the scar from the last time I had it five years ago, after a questionable eyebrow waxing.

Oh yeah, and it is up in my hair too.

Yay me.

It is very itchy. I can't put any make up on it and it is making it very difficult to do anything with my hair. Obviously the main spot is above my eyebrow. The place in my hair begins at the red patch in my hairline here, There are two larger patches on my scalp, just beyond this.

Not sure how I got it this time but the doctor said lives on hair follicles normally, and just looks for the right opening, so to speak.  Having diabetes makes me more susceptible.  Having diabetes also means I am "feeding" the infection. I can't get my blood sugar down, a sure sign of infection.
Another "chicken or the egg" situation: If the blood sugar was elevated that started the infection but if I got the infection it elevated the blood sugar.

I am on my fourth day of meds and sitting on my hands so I don't scratch the patches in my hair.

I thought labor was the most painful thing I have been through.

I was wrong

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