Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Life is Too Short for Artificial Creamer

Last night was the first night that I felt like I really slept. True, restful sleep.

I forgot to take my evening blood pressure meds, so I am doubly thankful that the Lord woke me up this morning!

The last several weeks have been extremely stressful. Computer issues at work, COVID-19, toilet paper shortages, budget cuts,  layoffs, social distancing  salary cuts, more layoffs....it has been more than my fragile psyche can handle. 

I have ran out the heavy whipping cream that I use for creamer. I bought a new carton, but keep forgetting to bring it. So I have to use the artificial, shelf-stable creamer we have in the breakroom. It tastes kinda plastic.  But it is going to have to do for how.

I am forgetting a  lot of things lately. My cream,  to turn the air conditioning on, to call the guy who cuts the lawn.

And KitKat's birthday, which I totally forgot to feature last month.

I did get to spend a little time with KitKat last week.  She is now working in her chosen field, Respiratory Therapy. Yep, in the hot zone.

 Nunie has been extremely concerned with her well-being and the availability of PPE, (Personal Protective Equipment -the new vocabulary we are all learning!) so she commissioned one of her church friends to make some washable, cloth masks.  They are made of a very pretty floral material, with a flannel lining, have ties rather than elastics.

When they were done, I carried them to KitKat's new apartment.  I carried dinner from her favorite Chinese restaurant. She was so excited to receive them, and was impressed with their quality and the fit.  She said the elastics were killing her ears, so the ties would be a welcome change.

After we ate, face-timing with Julz, she said that she would be spending the rest of the evening putting together her new bedside tables.  Since there were two, I offered to help.  It was kinda like a game. Who could finish first?

I am always amazed at the number of itty bitty things they include in those boxes.  When I poured the contents of my box in the floor, I thought to myself "What have I volunteered for?!?"

We talked each other through each step, lending one another a hand with the tougher parts. It reminded me of how we handled projects when she was growing up.

After both were finished (pretty equally) we discovered an issue with the drawer. It was easily resolved, thankfully, without having to take the whole thing apart.  Here is the finished product!

She is so proud of her new place and how everything is coming together. I can't believe how grown she is, practically over night!

 She said "thank you for not being afraid to visit me" which made me kinda sad.  It had never dawned on me that I would be in any kind of danger.  I was just spending time with someone that I love.  I hugged her goodbye, in spite of social distancing rules. She squeezed me tight.

When I think back on all the things I have forgotten, I cherish those things that I can remember.

For example, life is too short for artificial creamer.

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