Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Triumph Over Tradgedy!

After 69 days in a dark, grimey, hole in the ground, 33 Chilean copper miners are finally being rescued. As I write this, number 17 has just been pulled up to safety.

The whole world has watched with rapt attention, the plight of the 33 men, trapped by a cave in on August 5th.

Their survival and rescue is absolutely amazing, a feat these men openly attribute to God.

When the American drilling team known as Plan B reached the shelter a week ago, efforts began to extract the men in a safe manner. Doctors helped to determine the order that the men would be rescued, starting with the fittest, due to the stress of the ascent.

Last night, as the first miner surfaced, I cried.

I was reminded of another rescue that captured world-wide attention, that of toddler Jessica McClure. I remember crying then too.

Nothing like the triumph of the human spirt and the merciful Lord who oversees it.

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