Thursday, February 27, 2020

Corona....And Not The Good Kind

I am a little freaked out.

Apparently, the corona-virus will soon be affecting the daily lives of Americans.  Like in May.

(But not in Alabama,  where the kibosh was recently placed on a plan to bus sickly  to a barely used FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness for quarantine...Thank you Madam Governor!)

When the whole corona-virus hubbub started, the Gwyneth Paltrow/Matt Damon movie CONTAGION sprang to mind.

Let me refresh your memory.

A firm believer in the Zombie Apocalypse, I am very keenly aware of any viral plague that may affect the populous.  Or the attempts to vaccinate it out of existence.

I point to two cinematic examples

Zombieland,  where a strain of Mad Cow disease turns most of the planet into zombies


World War Z where a weaponized virus starts the great Zombie Apocalypse.

Probably should mention I am Legend too...just for good measure.  This is the classic where the vaccine used to cure cancer goes awry and creates, well I guess, cancer free zombies.

Life, after all, imitates art.

So today, after reading that the SINGLE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO AVOID CONTAGION is PROPER HAND WASHING, I decide it was time to repost this.

This is THE WAY we wash our hands. 

You're Welcomed!

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