Friday, January 11, 2019

Melancholy Milestones

It's January 11th.

Once upon a time it was a happy milestone. It was the day darling hubby pushed his way into my life.

January 11, 1996 was a Saturday. I had just broken things of with my first serious relationship since my divorce. Julz was at her dad's and I was home alone.  My mother had called me and asked me to go with her to see the new film "Jerry McGuire," After the movie, I drove her home and turned to get back on the interstate. It was early. Like 7:00 ish. As I approached the interstate ramp I asked myself if I wanted to spend another night at home alone. I could go left and go home, or I could turn right and drive out to Hoover and go to a popular night club.  Left or Right?  Left or Right?

At the very last minute, I decided to go right. I will have a drink, I thought to myself. If I run into anyone I know, I may have two.

The moment I walked in, I immediately ran into two friends from home and we set about enjoying ourselves. After and hour or two, me and the other girl decided to go to the ladies room and ran into another group from home. I am standing there talking to them, when darling hubby takes out his wallet, open to a picture of Tigger, then maybe 3, and KitKat who was a little over a year. He thrust it at me, between the heads of his friends and says, "THESE ARE MY KIDS!"

The rest, as they say, is history.

It was going to be our meet cute that we eventually told our grandchildren.

We told this story countless times. I always said jokingly, that I married him for his kids.
We even won a "newlywed" contest at the church Valentine's banquet with it.

Our story

January 11 was a big milestone.

And fittingly, January 11 was also the day five years ago, when darling hubby drove away from our home with the last of his belongings hastily thrown in a U-Haul van.

I sit here, reminiscing, and for the first time in a long time. I am not holding back tears.

I guess I am growing.

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